Les foyers et inserts bois encatrables ROCAL

Pour fermer votre cheminée existante avec un insert bois ou pour créer votre cheminée avec un foyer fermé à porte relevable, Rocal propose de nombreuses solutions, à découvrir en détail dans ce catalogue avec toutes les dimensions et puissances de chaque appareil.


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  Pour toute information sur les produits Rocal, contactez Atre Design

  • (11.2160ms) SELECT * FROM parameter order by name asc
  • (0.6210ms) SELECT * FROM book WHERE id=5704 LIMIT 1
  • (0.8860ms) SELECT * FROM book_cat WHERE id=58 LIMIT 1
  • (0.6850ms) SELECT * FROM book_cat WHERE id=50 LIMIT 1
  • (0.5600ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=1 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5410ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=36 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.8490ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=11 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.7180ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=56 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5990ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='COMMUNICATION' LIMIT 1
  • (0.5370ms) SELECT * FROM communication WHERE isAvailable=1 order by position ASC LIMIT 3
  • (1.5580ms) UPDATE communication SET hits=(hits+1) WHERE id=1
  • (0.5790ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=2 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5940ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=3 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.6680ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=4 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5860ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='FOOTER_TEXT' LIMIT 1