Nos produits

Vue d'ensemble de tout nos produits

  • (4.2660ms) SELECT * FROM parameter order by name asc
  • (0.9580ms) select * from product_cat WHERE parentId IS NULL AND isAvailable=1 ORDER BY position ASC, name DESC
  • (0.5510ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='PRODUCT_LIST' LIMIT 1
  • (0.5710ms) select count(*) as counter from product WHERE productCatId IS NULL AND isAvailable=1 ORDER BY id desc
  • (0.8960ms) select * from product WHERE productCatId IS NULL AND isAvailable=1 ORDER BY position ASC, name DESC LIMIT 0,60
  • (0.5830ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=1 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5330ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=36 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5570ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=11 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5280ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=56 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5390ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=2 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5450ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=3 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5330ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=4 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.6390ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='FOOTER_TEXT' LIMIT 1