Cheminées au bio-éthanol pour hôtels et restaurants

Un choix unique de produits design avec un point feu incorporé : tables et meubles aux finitions soignées équipées d'un brûleur bio-éthanol d'utilisation simple pour une ambiance chaleureuse.

Torches hautes ou à poser sur table, avec système sécurisé. Torches flottantes pour piscine ou bassins.

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  • (4.1860ms) SELECT * FROM parameter order by name asc
  • (0.8310ms) SELECT * FROM book WHERE id=5638 LIMIT 1
  • (0.8330ms) SELECT * FROM book_cat WHERE id=40 LIMIT 1
  • (0.8060ms) SELECT * FROM book_cat WHERE id=23 LIMIT 1
  • (0.5890ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=1 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.6430ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=36 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.6100ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=11 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5120ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=56 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5910ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='COMMUNICATION' LIMIT 1
  • (0.4780ms) SELECT * FROM communication WHERE isAvailable=1 order by position ASC LIMIT 3
  • (1.7900ms) UPDATE communication SET hits=(hits+1) WHERE id=1
  • (0.5980ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=2 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.6220ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=3 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5550ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=4 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5670ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='FOOTER_TEXT' LIMIT 1